Impinj Speedway Connect

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Impinj Speedway Connect


Speedway Connect is licensed software that runs on Impinj Speedway Revolution readers and enables plug-in RFID technology – allowing the reader to transmit data to the web

SKU: ECT-IPJ-S4001 Category: Tags: , , ,


Speedway Connect is licensed software that runs on Impinj Speedway Revolution readers and enables plug-in RFID technology – allowing the reader to transmit data to the web – extending the reach of this powerful data collection technology. The simplified graphical user interface enables even those unfamiliar with RFID to set basic reader configurations. Data is passed to the PC application in keystrokes via USB-HID, serial, Ethernet or Web delivery for RFID deployment without costly software development or middleware expenses.


Speedway Connect is on-reader software that enables users to easily set configurations for a single Speedway R420 or R220 reader or xPortal gateway, and quickly access RAIN RFID data. The easy-to-use graphical user interface facilitates setting up reader configurations to quickly read tag data such as EPC, TID and user memory, and record other relevant information such as last seen timestamp and antenna ID. Multiple protocols are provided for passing RAIN RFID data to an application without costly software development or middleware expenses. Speedway Connect provides a simple user interface and reader configuration for your RAIN RFID infrastructure deployment.


  • Easy-to-use graphical user interface for deployments of single readers used to identify RAIN RFID tags (EPC, User Memory, and TID).
  • Set basic reader configurations to read RAIN RFID tags and save configuration on-reader.
  • Access RAIN RFID data in an application via HID, HTTP POST, TCP/IP, Serial, or USB protocols.
  • Simplified Speedway Connect web user interface.
  • Expanded reader control settings
    • Select specific channels for ETSI readers.
    • Set initial tag population target.
    • Easily switch between Speedway Connect and other reader software

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