Tag Archives: 32.5 dBm

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RFID Reader Locates up to 5,000 items in 5,000 SQ Ft., 32 Zones!

Category:eChain News,eChainRF-Asset Mgt,RF Asset Management,RF Hardware & Tags,RF ROI Tags : 

The new Impinj Speedway Revolution model, R420-USA2M1 has maximum output power of 32.5 dBm.  This is 2.5 dBm more than the previous Revolution R420 and represents an amazing 178% increase in maximum output Wattage (1.78 W vs 1.0 W).  While you can’t use this extra power to exceed FCC (or your local government) guidelines on maximum RFID radiated power, you can now extend your RFID system by 25 Ft in any direction from a single reader with no net signal loss over previous reader model.  You gain 2,500 SQ Ft of extra RFID coverage area from a single reader!