Category:eChain News,eChainRF-Asset Mgt,RF Asset Management,RF Hardware & Tags,RF Healthcare Tags : echain executive executive rfid scanner mobile mobile application mobile rfid mobile rfid scanner rfid scanner scanner
eChain Executive Mobile Device Slideshow
The eChain MobileRF solution is a phone-based Android Application Platform with integrated UHF RFID and Barcode Scanner.
This is not your typical ruggedized warehouse scanner. This is an elegant smart device platform for executive and in-office use, integrated into the eChain RFID Portal platform. Our mobile solution completes your eChain Technology Automated Asset Management needs for Critical Asset, Item and Parts Visibility. Use to scan, interrogate, inspect and add/update your UHF RFID-tagged assets, or use the on-board industrial Honeywell bar-code scanner for barcode tags.
Our advanced solutions allow your business systems to automatically maintain visibility and control of thousands of critical parts, individually, across their entire operation or supply chain without human intervention or input.